Yogic teachings are in their essence straightforward and practical tools to bring one into direct communion with God.
Kriyaji gives one a glimpse of the greatness of the Satpurusha here at Nithya Nilayam. Kriyaji lives in Yoga - Union with God and therefore teaches from direct experience. She emphasises the importance of focus and discipline in the student's approach. Without this, the practice becomes haphazard and does not bear fruit.
Kriyaji often refers to sacred yogic scriptures such as 'The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali' and in following the guidelines set out by this Siddhas, She often states that three elements are needed of equal importance for a successful practice, and to attain liberation, enlightenment. These elements are: Tapas, Swadhay, and Ishwara Pranidhan. Tapas translates as 'intense and constant practice'. Swadhay as 'self-observation or self-study' and Ishwara Pranidhan as 'devotion to God.'
All of these elements are amply found also in Karma Yoga, which is why Kriyaji presents this practice as of supreme importance at this time of history. This practice renders quick and visible results of effort.
Kriyaji demonstrates how the practices of Hatha Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation, can bring the disciple to their own direct perception of the Divine.
Hatha Yoga is taught by Kriyaji in an original way. From Cosmic Consciousness, a clear way towards understanding and tuning into the body consciousness is the primary work that gives birth to Yoga. Her approach is different and based on Divine alignment, which unfolds like the emerging and opening of a lotus. The students will be introduced to sequences that incorporate all the elements of Yoga, like a moving meditation through the performance of asanas, mudras and breath work.
Meditation is a state and not a practice,' says Kriyaji, and in Her teaching of this She helps the student to go deeper, sustaining them in an atmosphere of guidance and safety. Sometimes, guided meditations are given which assist the student to focus and concentrate. Most of all, She reinforces deeper states of silence and emphasises that meditation is like our daily bread and is essential for everyone's peace of mind and spiritual evolution.
Pranayama is the science of the breath. There are many stages and levels of Pranayama, which are added in sequence as and when the student displays competence and ability. The practice starts with a modest demand on the student's time and gradually increases as the body becomes accustomed to the effects of the breath and deeper states are experienced. Dedication is needed in this 'Royal Yoga.'
Satsang means the gathering together of students in the presence of a true teacher, an embodiment of the Divine. Satsang can take any form - spontaneous teaching, expounding sacred scripture or a dialogue between teacher and student stimulated by a question from a student. The presence of the Satguru - the Divine Teacher - is enough for the energy of understanding to be conveyed. The Satsang usually finishes with a silent or guided meditation. Kriyaji is a font of living water that delights the heart and gives rest and peace to the soul.
Hrudaya Yoga is a gentle and energetic type of yoga which embodies the Hrudaya Teachings in the form of connecting to the Divine Flame of God. Hrudaya Yoga carries the body and the mind with the energy of the Chi to a place of connection to the Divine, connection to the Divine Flames and Antakharana alignment. It is a form of Chi yoga - working with Chi energy, NeGong and QiGong. It brings into form and action the energy of the Qi Gong as well as the gentle Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra practices. The breath of life can be experienced through the correct application of certain pranayama and Hatha Yoga form.
For further yogic teachings please contact us.